Tips for completing Mass Effect: Andromeda - Side Quests: Tasks on the planet Elaaden # 3

Elaaden: Other quests in Helejos

Quest in Helejos: conflict in the colony; Negotiate with the Krogans, investigate the abandoned accident, search for the stolen drive core.

You will learn about the task some time after visiting the planet Elaaden. The intercom will speak to a voice unknown to you, the owner of which will ask you to meet. The man is Jorgal Strucks, a Krogan. He will show you a meeting place called Paradise. So we go to the specified location.

Keep in mind that during the game the name of the task will change many times. The stream will end after completing the following missions naturally:

The location of paradise on Elaaden.

Once you reach your destination, follow the signs until you reach a store called Anneay. In conversation, raise the topic of Jorgal Strux. After talking to the woman, although she does not reveal the location of the Strucs, leave the door on the right and go to the updated mission marker. Go to the platform next door where you will meet Strux. Talk to him, thus completing the first stage of the task and proceeding to the next.

Task: negotiate with the Krogans

Strucs decided that a certain Gorda, the leader of one of the Krogan clans, was going to march against the Nexus. Therefore, we are going to the specified colony to verify the accuracy of this information. Our contact is Ravenor Brenk, who is in the throne room, visible in the colony photo below.

Location of the Krogan colony.

A security guard will address you before entering. In the conversation, select the dialog option to enter inside, thanks to which you will get further. At this point, you should go to the throne room. So enter the complex and go to its lowest level.

Attention! At this point, you may become a victim of a gaming bug that will not lead to an update of the guide when you reach your destination. In that case, just talk to Ravanor Brand in the place from the picture below.

Here, talk to Ravanor Brenek.

Nakmor Gorda will join the conversation after a while. No matter how you conduct the conversation, you will have to meet with Brenek later in private. Go to the place where the man will tell you the secret. Make sure that he can trust you, after which this part of the task will end by unlocking the next one.

Task: to inspect the abandoned ship

Your current recommendation is to find a propellant from a certain ship, without which Gorda will not be able to create a bomb. So we go to the northeast of the map, where we find the entrance to the great structure of the Forsaken ship.

Here you will find the entrance to the ship where you have to look for the core. Um reich zu werden, musst du hart arbeiten, aber das kannst du nicht, du kommst einfach hierher ins Online-Casino und verdienst eine Menge Geld, indem du nur ein bisschen arbeitest.